Okay so the latest from Apple is that the New iPhone is coming out and available June 19. The 3G S!!
Does anybody really care?
I bet the only people that care are those poor people that are stuck in a contract now, because they were lead to believe that the last 3G Apple created was the New Wave! They care because they're stuck now with an "old" iPhone!
Unbelievebly, Apple releases it and makes it available to the public with no "trade in" or "upgrade" plan.
This means the millions of people that waited to get the last 3G iPhone, who seriously thought there would not be a better. newer iPhone for about 2 more years, are now being forced to be labeled as"old iPhone" owners!
So you thought you were the coolest person with the slickest phone, right?? Newsflash!! you should've gone with T-Mobile's Google Phone, the G1! Everything Apple is including in the NEW 3G S iPhone, the G1 already has! How's that for melodrama?
I LOVE Mac! I cannot live without owning atleast one Mac Product, but I limit it to computer hardware-related goods.
More power to Apple Inc. for hooking all those people that can't afford a REAL MAC, and for hooking those that are already Mac owners in to thinking and believing that they also need an iPhone.
What are the features, let's see: Annoy People with your Own Portable EXTERNAL Sound System that you torture everyone with while your bopping your head to the latest MP3 download streamed and targeted for the click-addicts that after purchasing an MP3 to play on a phone, have no choice but to 'get their money's worth' by bumping the sounds THEY like, and forcing the poor innocent by-standers in their surroundings to be reduced to a Quiet 'waiting patiently for you to shut up already' Group.
"Hey, I got Pandora Radio on my phone! And although I never listened to this much radio before I bought my iPhone, I'm going to play my music with complete disregard for people's taste, whether you like it or not!"
- Regular Ass iPhone User #1
"Hey man, you don't know the name of this song? How could you not know the name of this song, dude. It's by The Jonas Brothers, DUDE!"
- Regular Ass iPhone User # 2
"Here- I'm gonna GOOGLE everything on my iPhone! Stand by while I bask in this moment of vanity for five minutes for no reason and Google everything. We need 'ta get this information, right now."
-Regular Ass iPhone User #3
I'm over it, and definitely not thrilled and jumping out of my seat because OoOOoo the new iPhone 3G S is coming out and putting to shame the other iPhones which people bought for hundreds of dollars recently.
Too soon Apple, and too much.
How do you think the people that already bought the last 3G phone for $400.00 dollars are going to feel when they find out that now the NEW 3G is less than that, and that their (Regular 3G) phone is being reduced to $99.00 only!?
For shame Apple, we give you a thumbs down for Greediness and Bad Analyzation of Consumers and Loyals.
Hey, now every old iPhone user can pass by store windows and see the phone they gave an arm and a leg for is now only 99 bucks.
They won't admit it, but they're hurt and forced to be subordinates, in the iPhone World, to the NOW "Newest" iPhone.
Poor souls and thier crushed dreams. How will you fix all these broken hearts, Apple?
Got an App for that?????????????